echos of my everything %%
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
"The government will brutally beat down all who oppose it. We do not say an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. No, he who knocks out on of our eyes will get his head chopped off, and he who knocks out one of our teeth will get his jaw bashed in."
wow heil hitler dont we just all want to bash your head in too knowing that you have jewish origins as well? what kind of quack government is that man thank god im not born in the interwar period anyway i want to read mein kampf sounds interestingly propagandistic i want to nazify myself hahaha
wow heil hitler dont we just all want to bash your head in too knowing that you have jewish origins as well? what kind of quack government is that man thank god im not born in the interwar period anyway i want to read mein kampf sounds interestingly propagandistic i want to nazify myself hahaha
Sunday, March 25, 2007
okay after further enquiry i have cleared my doubts towards the seemingly suspicious "tests" that im supposed to have after the spring break and i have found out omg im so clever and yessss ITS A &*^)(^&*)&_)& UNIT TEST ! ITS IMPORTANT TIME TO STUDY. unit tests are 75% wth! we must prepare for ww1 now! school starts tmr and berts has left BYE BERTSSSS SEE YOU IN THREE MONTHS! IM GOING TO LOSE WEIGHT ! okay time to finish hw haha
Thursday, March 15, 2007
school from 9-3pm home after that and tv/snack time for relaxing dinner and then homework time (omg i never had a homework time in singapore) and then time to sleep thats my routine but its going to change again. im not sick of it i just dont like it when it keeps changing. so this is the gleneagle school life.go talons.
its only been day two since my dad has been here and its been crazy having to hold my damn tests and homework and my dad together the only thing that im looking forward to is spring break which is tomorrow. start to spruce up the apartment with my own unique taste of aluminium fetishes which my dad hates but i just love it. i decided im going to have flowers in the house to make it look bright and happy

can you feel it?its going to be awesome soon.soon.

and this is school life; me and kristin during math lesson doing the usual failing math, getting lost in class and falling half asleep during class haha shes cute and omg my face is so fucking fat. im going to lose weight and im going to look like a geisha soon omg so white and finally no matter what, throughout the week my mind's constantly adrift thinking about singapore the shopping malls i miss and the people obviously :D things arent the same with the usual people i complain to being physically around me. hey sand nope nothings going to change until i come back in july lifes not the same without laughing maniacally (if there is even sucha word) with you. my favourite photos i dont know why

Tuesday, March 13, 2007
before i start my work, i must say i dont know but im just bothered that the pope wears red prada shoes is it ethically correct ? its the pope man i mean popes are supposed to be so severe and godlike to the catholics does that mean God wears 24 carat goldchains? im bugged by it. seriously. okay time for productive work
guys, when they reach 50 plus become so nonsensical its hard to handle; haha i wonder if i'll become as domesticated when i grow up next time its hard to imagine cos i dont like restrictions but then again i'll never know. anyway hi sand :D ! and mox! haha
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Thursday, March 08, 2007
my calorie laden day starts with drinking my coffee daily at 8.15am then i go to school while listening to the history teacher drone on for block A i take out my 150 calorie energy bar and eat it; its not really an energy bar whoever said it was is lying they just make sure its packed full of sweetened nuts and sugarated honey on the top of the bar and make sure they look concise enough to be called an energy bar. and then come lunch two blocks after i eat my sandwiches and then i go to the snack machine and buy a twix bar and a bottle of water and sometimes starbucks then at the end of school all is lost by climbing up the hill thats IF i dont even get a ride home and then i get back and start eating two slices of bread slapped on with butter and peanut butter and i make sure the bread is saturated with it tht if i life up the bread the middle will just sag and after dumping that into my mouth i eat butter biscuits followed by chocolate and normal biscuits. okayyy hahah thank gooodness im going to start joining track next week I SERIOUSLY NEED TO LOSE WEIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG
ooooooooooh and i just recieved a letter from singapore its for me but it doesnt have my name on it HAHAHAHA I WONDER WHYYYY. okayyy byeeeee
ooooooooooh and i just recieved a letter from singapore its for me but it doesnt have my name on it HAHAHAHA I WONDER WHYYYY. okayyy byeeeee
Wednesday, March 07, 2007

we live in a hyperreal world its what stimulates our dreaming and our fantasy world most of the time i realise 90% of the day im in the hyperreal im immersed in thoughts i sidetrack alot and im not focused most of the time which is my damn problem i need to start getting into position and aiming high and stretching myself to the very best because right now im stuck in the hyperreal and until my mind can shift out of that phase; im working on it.
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
while my bodily fluids are slowly sucking up the fats that i eat every day and i just sit on my ass and watch the damn tv i know im not getting any skinnier oh my godd i hate this i hate this i hate this okay as soon as my dad comes its going to be signing up for the gym time and get my ass working. ive been so excited with my sis coming down i think im over me not going to washington shes going to be here and thats important finallly im going to have a glimpse back into life in singapore some closer to my heart than this cold wiped out place. we can find a cosy place maybe just snugged in the back alley of some nice restaurant or cafe with our nice hot coffees (as usual :D hobbies never change haha) and just chill for hours and update each other on the lives we never knew we had to go through one year ago. oh its going to be so fun just sitting down and talking and watching the whole world go by and having one of those days that you couldnt care less of how the world viewed you as a person or even cared of your bare existence cos you have the perfect company with you and that is exactly going to be it. its always been like this, its always the best to sit down and just think talk; talk serious talk rubbish talk gossip talk friends people others i like it cos it makes me feel connected and makes me feel less hollowed out and more humanly than ever.
anyway on the more studious part should i take up spanish or french? i dont knowwww both sound interesting but my dad hates the french president haha so i cant ask him and my sis will say take spanish i dont know why but somehow spanish sounds like spiniach haha but anyway spanish ? i dont knoww i'll decide later haha okay im out dinners here byeeeeeeeeee
anyway on the more studious part should i take up spanish or french? i dont knowwww both sound interesting but my dad hates the french president haha so i cant ask him and my sis will say take spanish i dont know why but somehow spanish sounds like spiniach haha but anyway spanish ? i dont knoww i'll decide later haha okay im out dinners here byeeeeeeeeee
Monday, March 05, 2007
"his hand sought the adjacent flesh and sorrow paralleled desire in the immense complexity of love." - a domestic dilemma
god i just love that line i dont know why.i read it during a short story in class, usually i would always stop and hesitate to read through the whole short story cos it just bores me to go into detail of the whole henious blob of shit that i have to read by like what 20 minutes flat but this time round i nailed the story flat hah so yay for me anyway life has been normal and no im not saying its getting better or anything but im learning to cope the upcoming of events makes me rethink everything and i realise i have neglected my family alot fallenshort of all the good graces they have been feeding me with or giving me and yeah its no longer this i have to be a filial daughter phase cos i just broke a vase or i just stole ten bucks out of my moms wallet but it has strangely evolved into a more gradual appreciation of my parents/ family for the whole distance and time thing that sets us apart from one another sometimes it just kinda hurts when you know all that gets to you is on phone call from them and you are left sprawling on the floor like this uncontrollable mess. ive never given credit to my family for mostly anything well actually more so my parents im almost emotionally detached from them i occassionally take the time off to reflect and ammend but that has been part of a daughter duty but come wednesday when my dad flys in everythings just gonna change im going to give him a little bit more credit and a little less bitching.
okay i dont even know why im blogging must have just been this random itch to type something out anyway back to churning out my damn essay god knows how long thats going to take omg i can feel my energy already gone and my body is telling me to sleep almost like NOWWWWWWWWWWWW. and my skin has taken many many many hits i cant take it anymore im a walking freakshow i must hideeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!! okay this is now a major countdown to SPRING BREAKK YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY OKAY SO ITS 13 MORE DAYS YEEEEEEEEEHAWHWHWHWHWHHWHWHAHWHWHWHAWHHW
god i just love that line i dont know why.i read it during a short story in class, usually i would always stop and hesitate to read through the whole short story cos it just bores me to go into detail of the whole henious blob of shit that i have to read by like what 20 minutes flat but this time round i nailed the story flat hah so yay for me anyway life has been normal and no im not saying its getting better or anything but im learning to cope the upcoming of events makes me rethink everything and i realise i have neglected my family alot fallenshort of all the good graces they have been feeding me with or giving me and yeah its no longer this i have to be a filial daughter phase cos i just broke a vase or i just stole ten bucks out of my moms wallet but it has strangely evolved into a more gradual appreciation of my parents/ family for the whole distance and time thing that sets us apart from one another sometimes it just kinda hurts when you know all that gets to you is on phone call from them and you are left sprawling on the floor like this uncontrollable mess. ive never given credit to my family for mostly anything well actually more so my parents im almost emotionally detached from them i occassionally take the time off to reflect and ammend but that has been part of a daughter duty but come wednesday when my dad flys in everythings just gonna change im going to give him a little bit more credit and a little less bitching.
okay i dont even know why im blogging must have just been this random itch to type something out anyway back to churning out my damn essay god knows how long thats going to take omg i can feel my energy already gone and my body is telling me to sleep almost like NOWWWWWWWWWWWW. and my skin has taken many many many hits i cant take it anymore im a walking freakshow i must hideeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!! okay this is now a major countdown to SPRING BREAKK YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY OKAY SO ITS 13 MORE DAYS YEEEEEEEEEHAWHWHWHWHWHHWHWHAHWHWHWHAWHHW