echos of my everything %%
Monday, February 26, 2007
godd the one thing that i wanted to happen to me has happened haha i fell sickk IS THIS A SIGN HUH! IS THIS A SIGN god i feel so uncomfortable i just feel like sleeping okay not until i finish my homework then i can sleeep. its been the same except out of the blue it starts snowing like a bitch today and it was just cold when i had to walk back up when all the ice was melting so water was trickling into my shoes. ive been growing uncontrollably huge i need to find a gym im not going to wait until i get into track thats just too loong urgh i need to find a gym like nowwwwwwwwww im starting to act up when im sick.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
today i woke up to snow :) and also to this little cute woman haha

if you shoot me i'll shoot you too;
school is out for the week i feel so relieved after a whole week of tests falling asleep unintentionally in class yet everything is going to feel familiar soon upon awaiting the 15th im counting down and praying and waiting for that day to come cos i know im going to be back at where i know i am. anyway hahaha i better buck up for schoool im asian must do better haha
Sunday, February 18, 2007
haha i feeel so happppy!!!!!!! im finally done with my socials project yessssssssss! haha and im so happy with the outcome though it looks abit kiddy but still i still like it hand drawn cutted and pasted by mee! so i have to do this project timeline about world war one right haha the drawing was fun but the doing of the timeline was not. yay!
so this was before and then tadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa this is afterrr :D

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

since its the time of the year again haha just because;; be be your love by rachael yamagata is still the best; im going to listen to it until it puts me to sleeep :)
Monday, February 12, 2007
in the solidarity of the night i know thats when im found;;
so im into another week of school i bloody dont know how i made it through the first man BUT! anyhow the second week of school is going to be BETTER AND BIGGER AND GREATERRRRR COS IVE GOT RESOLUTIONS ASSHOLES! hahaha okay yeah so anyway even if i dont stick with them but they will pave how i go through the year and this year! NEEDS MIGHTY HELL ALOT OF PATIENCE AND FAITH AND STRENGTH and stuffffffffffffff okay im going to do work already hahahaha nowadays my updates abit stupid stupid stupid i tell you coquitlam is damn boring man one pathetic malll wahlao then to take a bus downtown is like must change a freaking billion and one times just to get there who bloody remembers how to get there where is my singapore 143 huh! wahlao 143 is the most faithful bus i tell you it goes everywhere! hahaha every single important place to me in singapore see it goes to taka (TOWN ), cityhall, that new place that just set up yeahhh habour front, it goes to chinatown when i want to eat desert it goes to clark quay i think but then i take bus and have to walk abit more then it takes me to toa payoh cos i mean toa payoh has ntuc right the best supermarket ever actually not really lah but it always has sale hahahahha my mom likes ntuc its the ahmahs shopping centre haha :P okay! let us recount what nice buses i can take from town to home 143,54,166,162,167 wahhhhhhhh so manyyy! OVER HERE! haha bus number walk by foot can take you down town zzzzzzzzz so stupid okayyy im going to do my work nowww byeeeeeeeeeeee!
so im into another week of school i bloody dont know how i made it through the first man BUT! anyhow the second week of school is going to be BETTER AND BIGGER AND GREATERRRRR COS IVE GOT RESOLUTIONS ASSHOLES! hahaha okay yeah so anyway even if i dont stick with them but they will pave how i go through the year and this year! NEEDS MIGHTY HELL ALOT OF PATIENCE AND FAITH AND STRENGTH and stuffffffffffffff okay im going to do work already hahahaha nowadays my updates abit stupid stupid stupid i tell you coquitlam is damn boring man one pathetic malll wahlao then to take a bus downtown is like must change a freaking billion and one times just to get there who bloody remembers how to get there where is my singapore 143 huh! wahlao 143 is the most faithful bus i tell you it goes everywhere! hahaha every single important place to me in singapore see it goes to taka (TOWN ), cityhall, that new place that just set up yeahhh habour front, it goes to chinatown when i want to eat desert it goes to clark quay i think but then i take bus and have to walk abit more then it takes me to toa payoh cos i mean toa payoh has ntuc right the best supermarket ever actually not really lah but it always has sale hahahahha my mom likes ntuc its the ahmahs shopping centre haha :P okay! let us recount what nice buses i can take from town to home 143,54,166,162,167 wahhhhhhhh so manyyy! OVER HERE! haha bus number walk by foot can take you down town zzzzzzzzz so stupid okayyy im going to do my work nowww byeeeeeeeeeeee!
Sunday, February 11, 2007
fast and foolish;
sometime today i thought, we are fighting for all the wrong reasons in life the things we end up craving end up stabbing you in the heart so painfully and yet you foolishly allow it to happen to you and then you end up questioning and reasoning with no clear answers and no clear directions given we roam every single day just like that blind and desperate and we really dont know when or i dont know when its going to stop. maybe one day maybe one day
sometime today i thought, we are fighting for all the wrong reasons in life the things we end up craving end up stabbing you in the heart so painfully and yet you foolishly allow it to happen to you and then you end up questioning and reasoning with no clear answers and no clear directions given we roam every single day just like that blind and desperate and we really dont know when or i dont know when its going to stop. maybe one day maybe one day
Sunday, February 04, 2007
i feeel like im in primary one its a new school day new friends new clothes same old me but 12 years older and feeling like i have security issues and i want a friend RIGHT NOW ! RIGHT HERE THIS INSTANT ! haha i have grown up when i was primary one my dad took a picture of me before i went to school now i'll just have to take a picture of myself ! im not really into the whole social thing right now i just found my comfort zone which includes slacking around the house doing absolutely nothing but staring at mountains haha now i have to move out and start opening my mouth and talking i cant do it?i can do it? fuck i did it last year and look how far it got me hahahaha the saddest life in cj! right hx! we damn loner lahh only town accepts us! okayyyyyy im going to socialise again i will challenge myself see how much i can talk tomorrow if not im going to be an emo i only listen to my ipod fuck shit knn cb kid hahahahah okay i need to sleep byeee!

happy birthday to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee hahahaha omfg i loook insane but lifes fun like that when God gives you a camera you must make full use of it hahaha shit i look bad okay anyway i jumped start my day with sandy calling me :D hahaha i miss laughing like mad okay my hundred bucks calling card will call you soon! you made me feeel so happy on my birthday :D thanks sand :D
Saturday, February 03, 2007

the lights they hurt when they shine on me;
so its the pastors birthday soon 8th feb i was thinking of buying him a nice card with jesus's face on it hahahahahah okay no hahaha but yeah i want to buy him a card but then i wouldnt know what to write in it ; thanks for letting me mess up one of your rooms you are a strong man in God continue to keeep it up and stay that way okay ? hahahahahhaha wtf NO ! i think im going to buy a small card so i dont have to write much in it so then the happy birthday words take up all the space:P
every single day i miss you so damn fucking much.