the view of below the mountain/hill when i walk out of the house. it was a lovely day.

the house i stay in the front porch which has afrosted ground in the morning its slippery so you just have to walk slowly
the crab in all its full glory catching them was gross holding them was scary but eating them was fun :D we caught 8 and steamed all of them hahahahaha so sad too bad
the place where we went to fish for crabs. the water was sparkling clear you could see right through to the bottom
me in the morning
okay so thats that i wanted to say a million and one things but now i dont think ive got anything to say oh! except that im going to buy a comb today :D todays a sunny day the weathers too good to be missing out on the streets!
its all about strength i see it in my dad when he fears nothing i see it in my sister when she does her daily work the confidence in the way she handles situations i see it in my mom when she figures out the blotches going out and about the house and today i just found out i have none.so goodbye and goodnight i have left this room.
OMFG I JUST BROKE MY FUCKING EXPENSIVE COMB wtffffff now i have to go buy a new one and i just found the shampoo in some other luggage i dont know whether to be happy or sad.
haha if you miss my stupid face/ sucky hair which is not washed yet cos i dint pack shampoo hahahahahahahahahhaha sandra tan i know you are going to scold me and say im dirty BUT ITS NOT MY FAULT! im gonna buy some tommorow hahahahahahahha its like obs with nicer clothes and nicer food and freezing weather. even though i want the people that i love to be with me right here but i know it wont happen and i wont let myself crumble cos its not right. its dumb. so till school starts in about a weeks time i will do shoppinggggg :D

that me in the toilet it kinda look like a hotel toilet for now my room looks sad cos its plain and messy so i will only take pictures of the toilet hahaha :P YOU KNOW! THE FLUSH IN THE TOILET CANT WORK ! SHIT! hahahaha aiyahhhhhhhhh wahhhhhhhhhhhh when i come everything just breaks downn wahlaooo okay enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YAYYYYYY SHIZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ im finally in canada and got the damn internet connection set up damnit so long man but its finally UP! haha please shake hands with me its up! I HAVE LIFE! haha like what the uncle said the internet is finally up cheryl has found her legs hahaha okay anywayy the ride there was really bad lets start complaining in point form :D :
1. there was this kid who kept screaming he was going to die as in seriously DIEEEEEEE! and you know why! COS HE WAS LOSING ON HIS MOTHERDAMNIT NINTENDO GAME ! then he subsequently "died" in his game and then started calling his mother a bitch :P hahahaha actually i found it quite funny until at one point i couldnt sleep.
2. the family with the "dying" kid wanted to exchange seats with me shit and their television doesnt really work and their seats have some bubble thing at the back so i couldnt sleep
3. the plane had alot of kids so when i wanted to put my leg on the wall to sleep they will run oer my legs. WTF KIDS! NO EYES AH!
4. then when i got down the plane exhausted tired with bad hair and looking mad with like 16 hrs plane air on me the stupid canadian immigration officers wanted to check my bags as in luggage so they opened everything flipped through everything then i had to ALONE ONLY ONE stuff the things back and ended up sweating like mad so when i walked out of the airport i thought it was damn hot
5. then aunty ruth and me walked to uncle kh's car to load the luggages in SHIT! OMFG THE CAR BROKE DOWN :((((((((((((((( no more batt hahaha talking about it makes me wanna laugh cos its so lame man
6. i was jet lagging but they dint allow me to sleep to fight off the jet lag so they made me take down the xmas lights on their porch in the bloody cold wtf hahaa where is my money! do i get paid to take down the lights!
okay i wont be so braty but it was really cold but anyway cos i stay on the hill right or moutain or whatever hahaha god the view is just so gorgeous when youre walking down to the town centre the sun just illuminates the distant mountains and the clouds are shit hell lovely the sky is perfect sometimes you know you just cant help but think that those nature stuff are real and not stick ons until you really step on the soil of the mountains cos it really looks damn fake but fake in a real way anyway if the weather is nice to me tomorrow i will take pictures of the lovely sun with mountains and blue skies haha its like one of those motivational pictures but THIS ONE IS REAL!
the room is noticably smaller :p i have to stretch my socialising skills cos the partor and his wife like to have three hour long talks with me, do i look that interesting?! anyway everything is good i guess except yesterday i guess im suffering from jet lag i had this sudden take on everything and i just felt like bursting out and crying but no i dint god it felt horrible. but anyway i spruced my room up today and tomorrow i will go out and buy some photoframes to frames stuff up so it'll feeel more like home :D ive got nothing to do nowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
should i do my three hour talk with them??? zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
okay byeeeeeeee you schooling peeeepsssssssssssss
i need more winter clothes which means more shopping soon so hopefully when i go eat dinner at my gramps house i get money although there is lousy food okay so i hope my grandma cooks the prawns cos the prawns are nice. i realise i should socialise with my ah mahhh more cos she doesnt really like me cos i always blackface at her hahaha:P
whenever im in an emotional dilemma the best thing to watch is the oc its always the best.
goodbye is never forever its just temporal cos then we'll know we'll see each other again;;
"Even in death, American columnist and satirist Art Buchwald managed one touching last laugh on Thursday by appearing in his own online obituary.
"Hi im Art Buchwald, and i just died." He announced with a grin in a video posted on The New York Times Website.
"People are afraid of death they're afraid of talking about death. They dont know what to do about it.
On what he liked his legacy to be, he says" I think i want to be remembered as somebody who made people laugh, feel better."
i dont know i just read it on the papers today and suddenly i felt like i wanna be just like him hahahaha.
"no its about you not trusting your instincts
remember what i used to always get?
gold medal ribbon
i figured i loved it
why question it."
so today i went to church with my parents haha and all of a sudden while looking around the new building/church i remembered that when i was young like say pri 4 i was playing catching around the same area and got scolded like hell for screaming too loudly and i was disturbing the service inside then two years later i got scolded by the pastor's wife for making too much noise again hahaha must be god told them to scold me anyway so we went to church and my mom just made the most uncomprehensible insenstive unbelievable remark to this women so here goes:
woman comes in with her mom who is in a wheelchair so she wheels her mom to the side and walks towards the pews where we are seated and so she tells my mom "hey im sorry but could you guys move down so i can sit nearer to my mom ?"
hahahahahha wtf then my mom just looked at her and said "but i need to go to the toilet." HAHAHA THATS IT OKAY SHE JUST SAID THAT I WAS LIKE WTF HUH?! just move lah i mean her mom is in a wheelchair for godsakes and we are in church pls be more holy okayy haha so ironic anyway hahaha in the end we moved. wow im just stumped stupified okayy O.o i really looked like that at that time
rain drops are falling on my head;
THERE IS AN ANTS WAR AT HOME WE MUST FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IF NOT WE WILL PERISH AND BE EATEN BY THE ANTS WORLDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDanyway ahaha i think my house needs more baygons or pesticides. today was a fun day.
wake up kids we've got the dreamers diesease;its raining again but today is just about the longest time about to sleep until;i wake up and then one more day has passed. well its a good day to wear long sleeves or wear a rain coat permanantly haha anyway while i was sitting at coffee bean yesterday WOW! i saw the cutest kid obviously an ang moh kid carrying his thomas the train umbrella haha so cute. ive grown short of words i dont know what to sayyyyyyyyyyy. im listening to the new radicals wahhhhhhhhh they are good hahah its going to be a good day :D
anyway my sis is leaving for the airport tmr i wont be seeing her until like what 6 months later wahhh thats so saddd but nvm i have photos of her hahaha okayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy this is stupidddddddddd
hahah i dont think im awake yet okay goodnight
its morning timeeee its cold out there cos its raining and im feeeling a tad bit happier because under the tracks is playing wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh its a great song cos its uplifting hahaha i shall play it over and over again then.gooodmorning and gooodbye!
suddenly this bout of sadness has gotten to me. all of a sudden i feel so depressed so unaware so lost so unattentive haha so basically to sum it all up so fucked up. i cant even stand talking to my sis anymore i just want to be alone
"...she would end up asking him for a drop of medicine and a little bit more love."
right now im eating ice cold strawberries and drinking ice cold ume shu dunno what also haha but its nice. life could be better but for now this is the best it can get.
let me tell you a secret;
too little too soon; im back with much more things needed to be done but all i can say is im in a ZEN mode i have this long break to come and im just gonna relax and see how things go. things happen for a reason and reasons will find a way to resolve themselves and why? just because.
im not gonna brood im prepared since a very long time ago. so im ready.