SANDDDDDDDDDDDD! SAY HELLLO TO YOURSELF STUDYING WHERE YOU SUBSEQUENTLY FELLL ASLEEEP DOING MATHS AHHHHHHH! haha wahhhhh we had a mad time laughing to mr au's house haha which was seriously spastic cos we were just laughing at being tired haha okay i still remb last year we just pointed at a snail and laughed at it for quite awhile hahaha okayyy we just sound retarded now haha but its fun! :D at least i FINALLLYY
haha met up with her wahhhhhhhhhhh who always has no time and let me say first who always pangsehs me! haha even though i was super shag today but laughing at nothing sometimes IS fun :D
anyway today i had to wake up bloody early at like some unearthly time for the holidays at like 7.30 aiyohhh omggggg i think the sky just fell man waking up at 7.30 then i dragged my sleeepy sorry ass out of the bed showered and then went to bugis with maybe triple eyebags noww. i just cldnt wake up so i had to go and get coffee :D i thought maybe cheap and good coffee would be fine but omg nooooooooooooo not even kfc or the stupid foood court was open lah! anyway so i had coffeee bean then met the rest for project work who for the record WERE ALL LATE EXCEPT FOR GOMEZ thank god for gomez i would have hidden in the toilet and waited for them to come ahh if no one had arrived. anyway so did project work was quite fun and then went home to see sand and then to mr au's and now im home and i have to study. im tired and i have a training tmr which i have to drag myself there omggggg just the thought of running makes me want to DIE ! someone please start helping me make a coffin white colour would be nice ahhh.
humour me;
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