haha i was looking through my photos when i saw THAT! haha ms beh looks funny :P i miss sc DEEEEEEEEEEE`P DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP
urghh tmr i have to go back to school. i have absolutely no motivation to go back to school at all. and there is chem test where i must must score in cos i must show her ( what is the chem tchers name ahh?) that im not stupid and she can stop being bias.
haha today during childrens worship sidney was terribly cute lahhh aunty suzie was preaching on how we should trust in God at all times and then sidney being all cute and fat said : "becozzz he is a zommmie." haha zommie= zombie :P wahhhh so cute so cute haha he is only primary one so his english isnt that good haha but still reallly cute :D. but i guess alll primary one children are little terrors cos after that he went around beating people and standing up and creating a scene. haha but when you are primary one what do you knoww cos i was crazy in primary school also :P
tmr is hockey haha iloveit! as opposed to canoeing :D dont know why but its fun lahhhh. i am saying this now cos i have only been for ONE training haha maybe not later:P
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